Mom and dad already told me about one of my presents and it is the best one of all.
I am getting a sister:) We are officially adopting Lola Saturday!!! It is really cool that Lola's GOTCHA DAY and my BIRTHDAY DAY will be on the same day. There is no better gift than a sister:)
Last night Lola and I got a big surprise.
April, Cory, Landon and Garrett brought us a present for my birthday and Lola's Gotcha Day a few days early.
Landon helped me open our present:)
Look at all of these AWESOME stuffies!!!
Lola liked them too!!!
Aunt April helped us take the tags off. HURRY UP!!!
April said the pink Loofa Dog was for Lola. I sure hope she doesn't rip it's ear off!
Garrett liked Lola's pink Loofa Dog too.
And guess where Garrett wanted to play!!?!! Lola kept an eye on him this time.
I want the lobster!!! Throw it, April!!!
Thank You sooooo much April, Cory, Landon and Garrett for our PAWSOME presents!!
On Saturday, we are going to PugPalooza.

PugPalooza is an event put on by Kentuckiana Pug Rescue. It will be a GREAT way to celebrate my birthday with lots of my Pug friends. We will also sign all the adoption papers for Lola:) Lola will finally be part of the "WOLFE PACK"!!
Have a PUGTASTIC Friday!!
Pugsley & Lola