Hello Friends!!!
OMG!!! Sorry it has been soooooo long since we have updated the blog:( This is Heather aka Mom updating the blog today.
Since it is Mother's Day, I thought I would take the chance to share how proud I am of Pugsley!!
I took Pugsley
Indiana Working Dogs for his
Canine Good Citizen evaluation.

Pugsley passed with flying colors!!!
They were also doing
Therapy Dogs International evaluations at the same time.

I had not intended on putting Pugsley through the testing for the TDI, but the lady doing the testing said he was doing so well that we should see if he could pass.
He passed the TDI evaluation with flying colors too!!!
I was soooooo proud of Pugsley!!! He did a PUGTASTIC job. There were 7 dogs testing yesterday. Pugsley and 2 other dogs were the only ones to pass.

This is a picture of Pugsley and I with Greg (Owner of Indiana Working Dogs) and Bonnie Krupa (Evaluator).
Thanks for listening to me brag:)
Have a Happy Mother's Day!!
Heather, Pugsley & Lola